Sunday, January 08, 2006

One Trees

I have to admit that the idea of becoming part robotic like the Bionic Man has appealed to me in the past. Sobchack's article has made me contemplate the reality of such a wish. Her article also made me think about cloning and the advantages and disadvantages of that science.

Multiplicity, a movie where Michael Keaton gets cloned to be at different places at the same time is the train of thought that I was entertaining. It reminded me of one of my favorite artists. Her project One Trees at investigates the idea of cloning by using trees. It also acts as an environmental recorder (as the 1000 clones were planted in different locations around San Francisco.) During the life of the trees, you are able to see the environmental effects of their unique location. She also brought the idea to the web using Artificial Life concepts to simulate the same idea by using CO2 sensors and digital trees.



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